Modernization is necessary to bring elevators into compliance with new codes and regulations. The right modernization solution satisfies high performance, reliability, efficiency, superior ride quality and most importantly the ecological expectations. As carbon foot-print of products started being an important product property, ecologic suitability of elevators should be taken as one of the prime driving points in modernizations. Modernization is necessary to bring elevators into compliance with new codes and regulations. The right modernization solution satisfies high performance, reliability, efficiency, superior ride quality and most importantly the ecological expectations. As carbon foot-print of products started being an important product property, ecologic suitability of elevators should be taken as one of the prime driving points in modernizations. Building owners that invest in modernization mainly concern about compliance with new code, ride quality and cost of modernization. This can be done, by partial component changes on existing elevators or completely replacing the existing elevator with a new one. Both approach can successfully bring elevators up-to-date standards and provide smooth ride however, carbon foot-prints of them might become much different.